Puyallup Regenerative Medicine

Diabetic & Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Relief

Call 253-841-4425

1410 S Meridian Ste. A Puyallup, WA 98371

Neuropathy Pain treatment

Neuropathy Nerve Damage

Finally, a Solution for Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy Pain.

Get Rid of the Pain in Your Hands or Feet!

If you are tired of taking endless prescription pain killers for your peripheral neuropathy, we have great news for you!

At Puyallup Regenerative Medicine we have developed a drug-free program utilizing multiple therapies to relieve your symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

The treatment includes a series of precise techniques applied in combination with a very specific electro-stimulation program designed to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling, thus restoring normal sensation to the legs and feet. Most patients have reported improved sleep, mobility, and a return to normal activities.


Please call 253-841-4425 or enter your information below.

Maintaining Proper Blood Circulation is Critical

Laser Neuropathy Treatment Puyallup

Good blood circulation is very important because blood transports oxygen, vital fluids and nutrients to the nerves.

Various treatment methods administered will help stimulate the blood vessels surrounding the peripheral nerves providing them with the proper nutrients to aid in the repair. It’s like adding water to a tree and seeing the roots grow deeper and deeper.

The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation. As long as you have not sustained at least 85% nerve damage there is hope!

By restoring circulation to the feet or hands, we can actually regenerate damaged nerve tissue. Even better is that these changes are maintained for the long term with the simple home therapies and nutritional protocols that you'll continue on your own.

Neuropathy is a progressive condition. Early treatment is critical.

Neuropathy is a progressive condition, meaning it tends to get worse with time. If left untreated for too long, the nerve damage can reach a point where there is simply nothing that can be done. This is why early detection and treatment of peripheral neuropathy is critical to getting the best results.

Peripheral Neuropathy Can Lead to Unnecessary Falls and Accidents

When Neuropathy causes numbness in the feet, the risk of falling is greater. Numbness decreases your sense of balance. Loss of balance and position sense can easily lead to a fall or car accident. Having improved feeling in your feet can not only help reduce the risk of amputation, it can also save your life. Stop taking avoidable risks!

To learn more about our Peripheral Neuropathy program, please call 253-841-4425.

A number of factors can cause Peripheral Neuropathies

It’s not always easy to pinpoint the cause of Peripheral Neuropathy. A number of factors can contribute. Please call our clinic to learn if this treatment can help your condition.


Diabetes is the most common cause of Peripheral Neuropathy and can occur even in Diabetics who keep their blood sugar levels under control.


Patients undergoing chemotherapy often develop Neuropathy during or after the treatment.

Trauma or pressure on the nerve

Neuropathy commonly occurs after injury to nerves in the legs, and in patients diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy due to trauma.

Circulation disorders

Poor circulation leading to foot ulcers, and blockage of blood supply to the leg can also cause Neuropathy.


Many alcoholics develop Peripheral Neuropathy due to nerve ending damage.

Restless legs syndrome

Peripheral Neuropathy can be an associated medical condition for patients diagnosed with Restless Legs Syndrome, characterized by cramping and other unpleasant sensations in the legs.


Autoimmune diseases, kidney disease, liver disease and thyroid conditions can also cause Peripheral Neuropathy, as can certain viral or bacterial infections, including Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS.

Call 253-841-4425

1410 S Meridian Ste. A Puyallup, WA 98371

Puyallup Regenerative Medicine

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